“Tree of Life” Stained Glass

On September 20, 2024, our “Tree of Life” windows were installed in the Strudler-Gladstone Sanctuary. The windows have added beauty to our sanctuary and will be inspiring for generations to come.



The design of the windows evolved over many months but began with the idea of the Tree of Life forming a menorah on one window, and the root structure of the tree on the other. A dove and olive branch, traditional symbols of peace, were added to a tree branch. The Torah scroll became a through-point between the two windows. Atop each scroll handle are the symbols that are unique to Or Ami.

On the left window:

The space shuttle on the left scroll handle represents the Space Torah scroll that resides in our ark.  

“L’Dor V’Dor” (from generation to generation) reminds us how faith and traditions are passed down from one generation to the next through holy observances and family traditions.

On the right window:

The Austerlitz wall tops the right scroll as a testament to both our building facade and our rescued Holocaust scroll.   “Sh’ma Yisrael” (Hear O Israel) are the first two Hebrew words of the most known daily prayer, affirming the belief in a single, unified God.

Throughout the windows, there are symbols that are part of our holiday celebrations. A shofar represents our new year holiday, Rosh Hashanah. The lulav and etrog are symbols of our fall festival, Sukkot. Shabbat is represented by candlesticks and a kiddush cup. The tree branches represent a Chanukah menorah.

The flowers used in both windows are blossoms from an almond tree, a symbol of hope and renewal that is frequently seen during Tu B’Shevat. The red fruit is a pomegranate, often eaten on Rosh Hashanah to symbolize the hope that the coming year will bring blessings and prosperity. Pomegranates are said to have 613 seeds, corresponding to the 613 commandments of the Torah.

The Artists

Congregation Or Ami was lucky to find talented artists, Liz Conces Spencer and Chris Alexander, who took an initial thought process of the donors and turn it into a beautiful reality. They brought artistry and professionalism while designing windows that would fit the style of the Strudler-Gladstone sanctuary while being structurally sound. When the design process was finished, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved the project and the work began, mindful of the goal to complete installation before the High Holidays.

Liz and Chris are both professional artists in the Houston area. Liz (Liz Conces Art) and Chris (Alexander Art Glass) are represented by Archway Gallery.