
Congregation Or Ami Sisterhood is a multi-generational group of women meeting for social activities, educational programs, fundraising and personal development. We invite you to join and experience the joy of Judaism and friendship. Just as a woman is the heart of a Jewish household, we are the heart of Congregation Or Ami. We actively participate in the religious, social and education aspects of our synagogue. Our chapter is a member of the Women’s League of Conservative Judaism, a national organization of sisterhoods affiliated with the Jewish Theological Seminary.

Membership dues are $40.00 for the year. Please download our Membership & Interest Form and send it in with your check.

Honey From The Heart

Are you interested in sending jars of honey to your friends and family for Rosh Hashanah?
Click here for information and to place your order!



Fundraising Program

Free money for Sisterhood with your everyday purchases. Find out more by visiting the Other Giving Opportunities page.


Upcoming Sisterhood Events

August 19th at 7 p.m.

Enjoy chocolate treats (chocolate fondue, cakes, candies, s’mores),
chocolate gifts (prize drawings), and sweet times connecting
with Sisterhood friends

Or Ami Sisterhood Board

President Judy Karonika
VP Programming Elaine Gladstone
VP Membership Rhoda Zelitt-Balantine
VP Torah Fund Joan Sarah-Foster
Treasurer Jean Quiat
Secretary Shelley Greenman