Education & Youth Director

Murray Adelstein has an extensive background in serving the Jewish community both professionally and as a volunteer.  He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin and served as the Education Director at Temple Beth Israel. Upon graduating, he worked for the Union of Reform Judaism as TOFTY Regional Advisor and at Greene Family Camp. Murray received a Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Texas at Arlington. Upon moving to Houston, he worked at the Houston Jewish Community Center, where his last position was Director of Children and Youth, and Day Camp Director at the Gordon Campsite. At Congregation Beth El in Missouri City, Murray was a Gesher Advisor for 2 years and a NFTY-TOR Advisor for 10 years. He is a BBYO advisor, a substitute teacher at Emery/Weiner School, and a Birthright trip leader.

In addition to Education Director, Congregation Or Ami is also proud to call Murray Adelstein our Youth Director. Coordinating our Kadima and USY youth groups, Murray works with our children and the Youth Committee Chair to keep our pre-teens and teenagers involved.  Please visit Youth Groups to get more information on our programs.

Murray and his wife, Sandy, have two children, Zach and Brittany, and three grand-dogs.

For further information about the religious school, its curriculum, or registering for classes, please contact Murray Adelstein at